10 Years Deployment Brazil Hero

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Technology day celebrating 10 years of WAB deployments in Brazil
October 24th, 2024

Once you have registered you will receive an email with the program for the day - Please remember to check your Spam folder.   

The day will feature presentations by our experts in completion and intervention, along with renowned professionals of the Brazilian oil and gas market.

Welcome and Registration 13:30 – 13:45
Marcelo Batocchio, Welltec Regional VP 13:45 – 14:00
Lecture Session 14:00 – 15:40
- Carlos Alberto Pedroso (SPE), SPE LATAM President
- Tabita Loureiro (PPSA), PPSA Technical Director
- Júlio Leite (PETROBRAS), Strategic RD&I General Manager
Coffee Break 15:00 – 15:15
- Leonardo Carvalho (SHELL), Wells Engineering Program Manager
- Maurício Moraes (PETROBRAS), CENPES Emissions & Climate Changes Manager
- Renato Pinheiro (PETROBRAS), Ultradeep Wells & Libra General Manager
Agenda (continued)
Coffee Break 16:15 – 16:30
Welltec Technical Poster Presentations: 16:30 – 17:30
- Unique Completions WEA. Introducing an all-new 4-in-1 completion
- DAR Technology An introduction to Density Activated Recovery.
- Isealate A steel-epoxy laminate patch with a high expansion ratio.
- Wellgrab The world's first fishing tool to provide realtime ID and OD measurements.
Closing and Cocktail Reception 17:30

Solutions presented at the event


Welltec® Expandable Anchor (WEA) for Tieback Liner

Welltec® Expandable Anchor (WEA) for Tieback Liner

WEA Liner hanger 1920x1080

Welltec® Expandable Anchor (WEA) for Casedhole Plug

Anchoring in cased hole

WEA Liner hanger 1920x1080

Welltec® Expandable Anchor (WEA) for Liner Hanger

Anchoring in cased hole

WEA Liner hanger 1920x1080

Welltec® Expandable Anchor (WEA) for Inner-String Packer

Anchoring in cased hole

Innowell Front New

Density Activated Recovery (DAR™)

Autonomous water cut reduction

Isealate Hero

Isealate Springblade Patch

Ultra slim relining and repair solution

Bold Welltec Wellgrab 1920X1080 Noshadow

Welltec® Wellgrab

Welltec® Wellgrab is an electric release fishing tool

Wellgrab HIROS 794 X396

Welltec® Wellgrab HIROS

Hi-Range Overshot & Spear