1920 X 1080 Low Temp

Low temperature

Geothermal heat for direct use

Low temperature - direct use

Direct use low temperature geothermal energy is used to supply heating and warm water for homes, office buildings and industrial processes, public facilities, farms and spas.


  • District heating
  • Spas and wellness centers
  • Agriculture - greenhouses
  • Industrial processes
  • Aquaculture
  • Snow melting on roads

Below 160°C

Welltec products and solutions verified by over 25 years of experience in oil & gas industry can be applied both to construction of low-temperature geothermal wells and optimizing production.

Low-temperature geothermal energy uses the heat of the Earth's subsurface or hot groundwater, below 160°C for direct heating by means of heat pumps and ground source collectors, consisting of underground pipelines or vertical boreholes.

Direct use

Low-temperature geothermal systems are cost effective and carbon-free, they offer a range of low-intensity applications, including district heating, use in spas, heating and cooling systems, aquaculture and agriculture as well as de-icing of roads. 

Geothermal resources have been identified in over 90 countries and there are records of geothermal utilization in over 72 of them.

With new technologies and systems, there is an ever-increasing number of regions that are developing geothermal capabilities for heating and cooling. 

Scale buildup

The closed loop nature of a geothermal system results in water becoming laden with minerals such as silica and carbonates originating from the formation. This creates massive scale buildup in the pipes, thus reducing productivity.

By applying tools like the Well Miller®, Welltec can demonstrate a long and successful track record of more

than 18 years in removing scale build-up from oil and gas wells. The same methods and tools can be applied to geothermal wells. 

Read more about the Well Miller RCB

Urban intervention

Welltec Interventions can be performed in many ways and in versatile environments, even in populated areas. In such cases the optimal approach is with a truck-mounted winch assembly and utilization of a crane on site. Thereby limiting overall footprint and disruption to nearby properties. Typical well site only requires 1000 sqm working area.

One of our key values is to provide solutions that minimize negative impacts on the environment and help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

Video courtesy of https://multiline.cc

Reduce GHG emissions in Interventions

Products & services

Cases that cover the challenge

Which solution is right for you?

Our New Energy and Climate Technologies help our clients to optimize the way they produce energy today, whilst always exploring how to better produce energy in the future.
We are dedicated to helping eliminate methane emissions, replacing cement where possible, reducing the environmental footprint of operations and engineering new energy systems for the future.

Reach out today and explore which solution can help you meet your specific goals.

1920 X 1080 Minimizing Environment Impact
1920 X 1080 Minimizing Environment Impact

Minimizing environment impact

We believe in a fair and inclusive energy transition. 
That is why we are applying our deep industry knowledge in new energy solutions to prepare for how we can produce more sustainable energy in the future. 

Welltec solutions

Our modular clean-out tools have proven to be beneficial in maintaining and restoring production in a broad range of environments. To keep production optimized, periodic interventions with our clean-out solutions can remove the unwanted by-products associated with steam production, including scale, mud, sand, etc.