Welltec  - downhole - access

Restoration of downhole access

Efficient and economic remediation of well restrictions and obstructions

Downhole access

Well restrictions and obstructions play a major role in the diminished performance of producing wells. These flow barriers interfere with the ability to properly identify and remediate other possible sources of production declines.


  • Establish circulation
  • Equalize pressure
  • Screen cleaning
  • Restriction removal
  • Scale, debris and hydrate removal
  • Valve & plug milling

Wide variety of challenges

Welltec’s array of milling, clean-out, and mechanical services are engineered to address a wide variety of Downhole access challenges. For increased efficiency, often two or more services can be combined in a single run. Furthermore, when combined with the Well Tractor®, these services can be deployed in high-angle and horizontal wells.

Our modular milling tools have proven to be robust and highly effective in removing restrictions and obstructions with robotic precision. Whether you are experiencing scale, collapsed pipe, a faulty valve, or a pre-set frac plug, our milling services are up to the challenge.

Clean-Out tools

Our modular clean-out tools have proven to be beneficial in maintaining and restoring production across diverse environments.

To keep production optimized, periodic interventions with our clean-out solutions can remove the unwanted by-products associated with oil and gas production including sand, scale, mud, etc.

1036X518 Dhsv Hero Compressor Min

Downhole safety valves

Repairing a Downhole Safety Valve (DHSV) reinstates well integrity and allows a well to be put back on production. Repairing Tubing Retrievable Subsurface Safety Valves (TRSSSV) saves having to perform a lock out operation and from having to install a Wireline Retrievable Subsurface Safety Valve (WRSSSV) which will restrict production.

Mechanical solutions

Our modular mechanical solutions effectively address downhole access challenges.

The Well Stroker® can apply up to 100,000 lb of axial force in either direction to pull a crown plug or push an obstruction below the production zone.

The Welltec® Puncher can quickly drill multiple uniformly-sized holes through tubulars to establish circulation or equalize pressure. 

Products & services

Cases that cover the challenge

Which solution is right for you?

Well completions & interventions are critical for optimizing production and maximizing well productivity. At Welltec, our team of specialists excel in navigating the complexities of any well, onshore, offshore, or subsea.

Reach out today and explore which solution can help you meet your specific goals.

1920 X 1080 HERO Optimizing Recovery
1920 X 1080 HERO Optimizing Recovery

Optimizing recovery

From pioneering wireline interventions in horizontal wells, to our ever-expanding range of custom-made solutions, we strive to simplify complex interventions into more standardized operations.