HERO 1712 X 963 Opening CCS Flow Loop

Advanced testing services

Advanced testing services for CCUS applications at Welltec's Test Flow Loop

Test Flow Loop center, Esbjerg, Denmark

In October, 2022, Welltec established a full-scale Test Flow Loop center in Esbjerg, Denmark capable of re-creating down hole in-situ environments.

The center was design and constructed to allow CCUS operators to test full-scale down hole well components with a high-concentrate CO2 environment, at high pressures and temperature, and with a mixture of chosen impurities.

It was designed with flexibility in mind and can be adapted to a
multitude of different testing applications.

  • Material selection for CO₂ transport, injection, and wells
  • Structural validation of items under various conditions (e.g. packers, valves, downhole gauges)
  • Testing for CO₂ flow into depleted reservoirs: liquid, dense,
    and supercritical phase CO₂
  • Qualification and validation of permanent barriers (e.g. cement, packers) and/or sealing material
  • Lifetime qualification of products
  • Development of test protocols for lifetime qualification of products

Features and capabilities 

The Test Flow Loop provides the opportunity to: 

  • Run corrosion tests with a duration of several weeks
  • Perform immersion corrosion tests in static or dynamic mode
    with liquid, dense, or supercritical CO₂ mixed with brine
    (formation fluid)
  • Mix the test fluid (medium/brine) in accordance with
    customer specifications
  • Perform a variety of stress corrosion tests (crevice, stress
    corrosion cracking, galvanic) and other harsh environments
  • Add eight impurities/gases into liquid/supercritical CO₂,
    keeping the concentration constant via precise injection
  • Accommodate a variety of materials at the same
    time - the chamber can accommodate 30-40 coupons
    with the possibility for further space optimization

Further technical details of the Test Flow Loop: 

  • A Fourier-Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy is used to
    monitor impurity levels in the test medium down to 1 ppm
  • The test chamber containing the coupons can be set at a
    specified angle between horizontal and vertical positions
  • Compartmental construction of the loop provides flexibility for
    changes in configuration and setup
  • Samples can be extracted from the test medium on a specified
    basis and provided for the analysis
  • For each test, a detailed procedure is developed in accordance
    with industry standards (ASTM G111, ASTM G1, ASTM G46 &
    G78 and ISO 18070:2015), and in collaboration with an
    experienced partner with a long track record of corrosion testing
  • After each test, a report with sample analysis and conclusions is
    derived and provided to the customer as part of the service

Test cases

CCS projects in Denmark

Simulation of the flow back of formation water during long-term
shut-in scenario:

  • For the projects with expected shut-in periods/cyclic injection
  • Set up with 50 vol% brine
  • Brine saturated with chlorides (prepared at facility based on
    compositional analysis of formation fluid)
  • Impurities: NOx, SOx H₂S, O₂ and H₂O
  • Replenishment of impurities every 48 hours
  • P and T were equivalent to downhole conditions
  • Crevice corrosion and SCC
  • 720 hours, semi-stagnant condition
  • pH and O₂ level were monitored


Example Of Tubing Assembly Test

Equipment qualification for CO₂ environment

• Qualification of alternative technologies which contain metallic and elastomeric material which may be affected by CO₂ environment

• The principle of testing equipment is based on exposing it to different states of CO₂ (e.g. liquid, SC or gaseous), depending on the expected scenarios during equipment lifecycle

Hero 1712 X 963 Test Loop

Further development and deployment plans

• Increase the range of functionality testing, replicating flow through a choke, or valve, with phase change of CO₂ and a higher pressure drop

• Full-size testing of downhole tools/items i.e. complete products

• Structural validation of items after low-temperature exposure or thermal/pressure cycling

• Liquid, dense, or supercritical phase of CO₂ flow through depleted reservoirs, creating phase change of CO₂, hydrates formulation and impact

• Development of test protocols for lifetime qualification of products

• Impurities injection order and control

• Corrosion prediction modelling and Ph measurements in a variety of conditions

• Qualification of Welltec's completion products and intervention tools for operation in a CO₂ environment


Project Greensand

Project Greensand is an ambitious and innovative initiative to develop new ways to capture and store CO2. Welltec® has a long history of engineering and delivering solutions that target complex challenges in the energy sector and now looks to help address and meet the 70 percent reduction of CO2 targets by 2030, as set by Danish government.

Get in touch

Lia Khasanova 2022
Lia Khasanova
Commercial Director New Energy & Climate Technology

With 20+ years of combined experience in oil & gas sector, Lia has been exposed to diversified range of roles, starting from well construction to business development and innovation.
Lia offers strong knowledge within wells, innovation toolkit, business development as well as wide network within emerging market in energy transition area.

Joven John R. Cayao
Joven John R. Cayao
Geothermal Technical Sales Engineer - Completion

Having worked in the upstream sector of oil & gas and geothermal, Joven offers his technical background in well construction and completion to Geothermal and CCUS clients. Joven handles Welltec Green Energy initiatives across APAC and Europe, and collaborates with clients by providing value-added completion solutions focusing on well integrity and risk mitigation.

Yosafat Esquitin
Yosafat Esquitin
Business Development Manager

With 16+ years of experience in the service sector, Yosafat offers a strong technical background for well construction and lower completion solutions to the customer's challenges. Focusing on customer added value.

1920 X 1080 Minimizing Environment Impact
1920 X 1080 Minimizing Environment Impact

Minimizing environment impact

We believe in a fair and inclusive energy transition. 
That is why we are applying our deep industry knowledge in new energy solutions to prepare for how we can produce more sustainable energy in the future.