WAB - Welltec Annular Barrier 1920 X 1080 (2)

Zonal isolation

Cementless, extended reach reservoirs

Zonal isolation

Segmented well design increases options to mitigate reservoir uncertainty and maximizes the economic value of wells.


  • High performance
  • Rotatable
  • Zonal isolation

Geological uncertainty

Geological uncertainty is often a critical risk factor as it defines the outcome and return on a field development over the life of well.  

Extensive efforts and resource is invested to understand and describe the geology and capture/quantify the uncertainties.

As the field matures, increased data captured, improves the models, impacting development decisions. However, the economic value of the project remains dependent on the ability to mitigate the risks associated with remaining uncertainties.

For example, uncertainty associated with the distribution of high permeability streaks in the oil reservoir deliver risk associated with water or gas breakthrough, declining oil production and reduced sweep efficiency impacting total reserves and the project cash flow. 

Integration of key uncertainties in well planning often ensure good prediction of the reserves and the probability of success, however the choice of well technology and completion design will control the method optimize and act to mitigate the risks long-term.

Extended reach horizontal reservoir

Also to increase net present value of their assets, extended reach horizontal reservoir sections are becoming critical to operators looking to increase well productivity and maximize their ROI. Extended reach lower completion design creates significant concerns over the ability to execute a conventional cement or perforated liner well design due to the high inclination nature of the reservoir section.

To achieve this it is critical to design the well with reliable isolation between lower completion and open hole without the need for cement.

Our ISO 14310 rated, metal expandable WAB® (Welltec® Annular Barrier) for open hole zonal isolation, facilitates the ability to deploy ‘cementless’ extended reach, multi zone, horizontal, lower completions. The WAB provides the on-demand, high pressure zonal isolation across varying borehole geometries unaffected by thermal changes in the wellbore, so often a problem in conventional open hole isolation.  

The WAB for Zonal Isolation between the lower completion and the open hole enables the compartmentalization of the reservoir into many, discrete sections. Whether an injector or producer, this gives the operator the best options to mitigating reservoir uncertainties and maximize the value of the well.

Eliminate Risk Of Water Breakthrough

Modelling services

Successful Welltec® Annular Barrier (WAB®) sealing across the cap rock can be ensured through 3D geomechanical modelling of the expansion of the Welltec packers into the rock formation.

In specific projects flow modelling is also used in the packer configuration to ensure the zonal isolation benefits and minimize risk of flow through formation behind the packers.

Products & services

Cases that cover the challenge

Get in touch

Petter Lønning
Petter Lønning
Sales Director

With 15 years of experience in well construction, multi-zone lower completions and product development, Petter has a broad range of expertise and knowledge. Working from Scandinavia, he will add value to your well planning phase by providing input on smart, flexible and efficient solutions.

Nick Rakic
Nick Rakic
Sales Director, Canada

Nick began with Welltec as a Field Technologist in 2012 and has accomplished continuous growth, progressing though roles in service delivery and commercial. He is experienced globally both onshore and offshore. With a strong foundation of experience in field deployment, operations management, and business development, Nick is our local Canadian expert on Completions and Intervention.

1920 X 1080 HERO Maximizing Resevoir Contact
1920 X 1080 HERO Maximizing Resevoir Contact

Maximizing reservoir contact

We help maximize reservoir contact to optimize productivity and maintain maximum well delivery. Our unique completion technologies provide a new perspective to drilling and completing wells, adopting a holistic approach which adds value continuously over the life cycle of a well.