Max. deviation
Max. temperature
Max. pressure
70 ATM @ TD
Distance tractored
Anega Kazakhstan, a local logging company, won a tender to do a series of PLT jobs in horizontal, production wells for an operator in Kazakhstan. Anega had previously been using CT to convey their logging tools, but had recently learned about Welltec® and wanted to try the e-line Well Tractor® conveyance solution to save time and minimize operation costs.
The conventional CT solution required four days operating time and thus the savings potential was significant. The operator had approved both CT and tractor-based conveyance methods, and although using the Well Tractor was uncharted territory for Anega, the logging company decided that it was the perfect opportunity to test out this new industry standard.
Prior to load out, thorough job planning was executed to ensure smooth operation and adaptability between the tools. This included a System Integration Test (SIT) performed at Anega’s facilities, and WellSim modelling to determine which wells to employ the Well Tractor and which to use CT.
Three wells were selected for the Well Tractor. Once system integration was ensured and operating procedures approved by both companies, the operation commenced.
The toolstring was run in hole Logging While Tractoring (LWT) to target depth. LWT is preferred as it provides higher data accuracy and assurance the tools are operating optimally. Constant realtime surface read-out provided the team with useful information while operating, improving efficiency.
The Well Tractor provided good depth control, constant speed for the down pass and saved valuable rig up / down time. Since this was Anega’s first tractor-based job, the operation was carefully executed at a slower-than-normal pace to allow continuous reassurance of logging capability.
Even so, the operation took only 27 hours per well; a significant time saving compared to conventional CT conveyed logging. And there is still room to optimize operation time further, as collaborative processes are thoroughly established.
Welltec completed all three jobs successfully in ~27 hours each and proved the Well Tractor’s potential to set a new industry standard for conveyance of logging tools.
The equivalent CT operating time was four days per well, thus both the operator and the logging company saved valuable time, costs and production.
The operation gave both Anega and the operator great confidence in tractor-based conveyance and it strengthened the synergies between logging company, operator and Welltec ensuring optimal collaboration on future operations.
Welltec completed all three jobs successfully in ~27 hours each and proved the Well Tractor’s potential to set a new industry standard for conveyance of logging tools.