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Business ethics

A company with true compassion

Conducting our business with integrity

Our employees and officers are responsible for developing, approving and implementing plans and actions designed to achieve our corporate objectives. However, the methods we employ to attain results are always as important as the results themselves. 

Our employees and officers ensure to conduct their business affairs in such a manner that our reputation will not be damaged if the details of their dealings become a matter of public discourse.

We strive to do business with customers and suppliers of sound business character and reputation, and we do not support any public or private organization exhibiting discriminatory policies or practices. Equally, we expect all our employees to perform their work with honesty, truthfulness and integrity, respecting and abiding by the guidelines expressed in our Code of Conduct.

The quality of our employees and officers is our greatest strength. Their professionalism and dedication ensure that we are competitive in the short term, and well positioned for continued success in the long term.

It is our policy to comply with all governmental laws, rules and regulations applicable to our business. However, even where the law may be permissive, we will follow the course leading to the highest degree of integrity.

Our employees and officers must deal fairly with each other and with our suppliers, customers, competitors, and other third parties. Our directors and officers support, and expect all employees to support, any fellow employee who passes up an opportunity that would sacrifice ethical standards.

All employees are responsible for the immediate and accurate reporting to higher management of work-related information of importance to our policy.

We strongly encourage dialogue among employees and officers to make each other aware of situations that give rise to ethical questions and to articulate acceptable ways of handling those situations.

Our Code of Conduct

It is our strongly held belief that we share a responsibility reaching beyond the concerns of our immediate business, and that we have an impact on the interests of all our stakeholders. We support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights, and we make sure that our business is not involved in, or related to, any form of human rights violations.

Human rights

We’re committed to respecting human rights, a basic set of standards to which everyone is entitled.

Our commitment is based on the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the eight ILO Core Conventions on Labour Standards, the United Nations Global Compact and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.

The whistleblower system

The Welltec® Reporting System enables anyone to report possible violations of laws or company policies in relation to companies of the Welltec® Group, anonymously if desired. The Reporting System – which is an electronic application – is open to all our employees as well as third parties such as customers, suppliers, and other related persons.

All reports received are reviewed and handled by Welltec® Legal Department officers. It is possible to set up a line of communication between the Legal Department and the person reporting – again, anonymously.

Signatory to the UN Global Compact

We are members of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative which requires companies to align their operations and report progress annually on ten universally accepted principles in the areas of environment, anti-corruption, human rights and labor. Here, we’re in excellent company. As a member, we’ve joined many other esteemed businesses, including key customers, in adopting a common, internationally-recognized framework for addressing sustainability issues.