Well Cleaner®

Power Suction Tool

Well Cleaner Power Suction Tool Hero

With our clean-out solutions we can remove the unwanted by-products associated with oil and gas production such as sand, scale, mud etc. Well Cleaner Power Suction Tool (PST) is the ideal choice for removal of loose debris in the well. Using high-rate fluid circulation, the Well Cleaner PST agitates the debris and captures it in bailers within the tool.

To keep production optimized, periodic interventions should be performed to remove this debris. Running on e-line, our modular clean-out tools have proven to be highly effective in maintaining and restoring production across diverse environments including horizontal wells.

We offer a number of versions so we can address any kind of debris or environment.

Case Highlights

Featured case

The Well Cleaner Power Suction Tool is the ideal choice for removal of loose debris in the well. Using high-rate fluid circulation, the Well Cleaner PST agitates...

Well Cleaner PST
Runs independently in vertical wells or with the Well Tractor® to provide clean-out solutions in horizontal and extended reach wells.

Well Cleaner PST High Flow (HF).
With the Well Cleaner PST HF you get maximum flow velocity output from the tool. The tool is suited very well for running in the horizontal where debris is lying on low side. The high flow will be able to bring debris ahead of the nozzle into suspension and pull it into the bailers.

Well Cleaner PST High Vacuum (HV)
Maximizes the drawdown force thereby increasing the ability to recover heavier pieces of debris. It is very well suited for being run in vertical wells where the debris can come in close contact with the generated flow by tagging debris with the nozzle. If there is sediment on top of the debris and this clogs up the nozzle then the increased suction may clear the clogged nozzle.

Well Cleaner PST Large Drawdown (LD)
An effective combination of the HV and HF versions. It is optimized to recover the largest payload over a wide range of debris sizes and types.



Well Cleaner Power Suction Tool Hori
Removing sand and debris
Cleaning SSSV seats
Clearing obstructions
Accessing isolation valves
Powerful suction
Variable nozzle designs
Integrated bailers in various sizes
NACE compliant
No additional fluids required
Measurable recovery
Removes a wide range of debris
Recovers debris from the well
High recovery rate
Accurate depth control
Operates on any e-line via DC
Length* 21.6 ft → 31.8 ft*
Running OD nominal 2 1/8'' → 4 1/4''
Weight in air 172 lbs → 588 lbs
Completion ID range 2.2" → 12.6”
Available bailer sizes 2.125" → 5"
Single bailer volume* 0.5 → 4.6 gals*
Max. well pressure 20,000 psi → 25,000 psi
Max. well temperature 302°F → 350°F
Tensile strength 24,000 lbs → 65,000 lbs
Compressive strength 50,000 lbs → 65,000 lbs
* Dependent upon configuration

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At Welltec, our team of specialists is experienced in resolving the unique challenges of well drilling and operations across diverse terrain. Whatever your need, we can help you find a solution.