Dual 1214WAB® deliver critical cement assurance in sidetrack

WAB - Welltec Annular Barrirer - case story JMA181487

Well type

Hydrocarbon producer

Reservoir type


Product / placement

Within 12 1/4" open hole

Isolation of water breakthrough

Via dual WAB placement within open hole

Wab fullbore id enables sidetrack

Without changes to the lower completion design

Well production reinstated

As a direct result of dual WAB solution




On a previous drilled well, due to poor cement as a result of formation issues, scaling water flowed from shallow of the 9 5/8” shoe into the depleted hydrocarbon producing sand. The well was lost and abandoned after 18 hours of production.

As a result, the subsequent sidetrack well incorporated two 1214WAB within the 12 1/4" open hole section, in combination with cement to provide a permanent barrier to flow of scaling waters.


Dual 1214WAB’s were deployed as part of the new 9 5/8” production casing, and ran through the milled window section within the 13 3/8" casing and into sidetrack 12 1/4" open hole section.

The primary cement operation was conducted and the dual 1214WABs were expanded within green cement against the bumped cement plug. The 1214WABs set in 12 ¼” section at 10,273 ft and 10,199 ft, effectively straddling the scaling water producing zone.


Through provision of permanent to water breakthrough, Welltec® Annular Barrier (WAB) technology has allowed for uninterrupted production form this sidetracked well, and provided additional confidence for the operator that a permanent barrier is in place.

First deployment WABs through a milled out window in a sidetrack application.
Provide reliable production for the operator.
Avoid cost of drilling a new well.
Production data confirming no scaling water produced
WAB seal verified in open hole.


The WAB’s robust design, allows for deployment through a milled window to prevent scaling water flow across a thin shale.

Well schematics

1036X518 Jeg143126

Products applied

WAB for Well Completion (Welltec Annular Barrier)

WAB® for Well Construction & Integrity (Welltec® Annular Barrier)

CAPEX effective, enhanced well integrity via metal expandable packers

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