We believe anything is possible

If you do too, let’s talk

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Inside Welltec

With a diverse workforce operating in more than 50 countries, we’re a truly international company with a unique culture. Yet while our technologies, services and solutions are geared toward the global market, we have a strong local presence with highly skilled and motivated employees in all of our locations

Working for us means living by the creed that ‘anything is possible’. Ours is an innovative, entrepreneurial mind set and it’s one that’s incorporated throughout the company. Now an established, growing influence across all the world’s major oil-producing areas, we are continually opening new offices around the globe. Our workforce is therefore truly international and as a result of our ongoing success, we’re always looking for the right new talent to join our team.

Diversity and Equal Opportunity Policy

We believe that diversity of people, skills and abilities is a strength that supports our business. We want to attract and retain people with different backgrounds and experience. It is our ambition to foster an inclusive work environment where diversity thrive in support of our purpose and values.

Welltec in numbers


Operations in 50 countries we are committed to global in our organisation


Our 1000 employees share the same approach to ‘everything is possible’


With people from over 60 different nationalities our workforce focus on diversity and inclusion on the workplace

Our departments

506X285 Administration (1)


Having a unique product and a large international presence requires excellent administration. We’re therefore looking for highly motivated finance, HR, marketing, branding and sales employees who are proactive self-starters with exceptional attention-to-detail.

Pragmatists who can get things done, without compromising on quality or regulatory compliance.

506X285 Operations Min (1)


With our products at the cutting edge of technology, we need Development & Engineering (D&E) specialists at the top of their game.

Innovative individuals who dare to think big yet are still cost conscious, people who recognize the difference between ‘nice to have’ and ‘need to have’.

We also require engineers in the field with great interpersonal skills who aren’t afraid to make quick decisions and can keep a cool head under pressure.

506X285 Production Min


In addition to designing equipment, we also manufacture it. Which means there are opportunities throughout the production cycle with every component of our equipment undergoing a rigorous process, from purchase and preparation of raw material to manufacture, assembly and testing of the final product. We are looking for truly talented craftsmen who take pride in their work.

Skilled, detail-oriented individuals who are patient, quality conscious and adaptable in a fast evolving environment.

As we manufacture our own products, we also need highly dedicated employees in our supply chain. We send our own equipment to and from production in Denmark and around the world to be used in our operations.

For this we require individuals with a structured, solution-oriented approach, people who can see the bigger picture and can get things done.

Open positions


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